Low/no code is the next best thing.
Through a graphical user interface, less technical people can now develop their own applications.
But since nobody starts building something without a plan, you still need to do some form of analysis.
Which tasks are important in a low code environment?
Which (new) challenges emerge and what makes life easier?
About Monique Snoeck
Monique Snoeck is Full Professor of Management Information Systems at
the Faculty of Economics and Business of the KU Leuven and visiting
professor at the University of Namur (UNamur). She received her PhD in
Computer Science from KU Leuven in 1995.Monique has a strong research track in requirements engineering,
conceptual modeling, business process modelling, model quality,
model-driven engineering and e-learning.Her research has resulted in the Enterprise Information Systems
Engineering approach MERODE, and its companion e-learning and
prototyping tool JMermaid.